Ready to repair your gut, transform your digestion, and regain your freedom?

I'm so glad you're here.

Your Step-by-Step Process to Repairing Your Gut + Ditching Digestive Issues for Good


I created Healin' Guts + Shakin' Butts for those you who want to know exactly what's causing their digestive issues and repair them at a root cause level for sustainable results. 

With the use of the gut health must-have's, nutritional support, lifestyle strategies for better digestion, functional stool testing, 1:1 support, and a customized protocol, we supercharge your results. 

HGSB includes:

- The Complete HGSB Program + All bonuses (Value: $5,675)
- GI MAP Functional Stool Testing (Value $500)
- Analysis of Test Results (Value: $300)
- 1:1 Initial Consultation + Personalized Protocol w/ Team HAN 
Functional RD (Value: $300)
- 2 1:1 60 min Follow up w/ Team HAN Functional RD (Value: $300)
- 1:1 Email Support w/ Team HAN Functional RD 
between sessions (Value: $250)
- Access to Discounted Practitioner Grade Supplements (Value: $100)

4 Months Complete Support!


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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
"I had really bad reflux and indigestion. I had pain in my gut, suffered from bloating. I had gas and gurgling. Really intense nerve pain. I was exhausted all the time. I had brain fog, memory issues. I was on loads of different medications. I was just tired of it all. I knew that something else was up.

My bloating and gut issues were making me miserable. It just felt like all food was making me sick. I couldn't enjoy myself. I couldn't go on a night out with my friends or family. 

I have felt dramatic results. I don't get a reaction from my food. My chin used to be covered in spots...it's pretty clear now! my bloating has pretty much gone entirely. I can wear clothes that I felt really uncomfortable in for the last few years. i feel great. I have so much energy. It's incredible! I honestly did not expect that. I feel so great. I am so grateful for Hannah and her team.

I feel really grateful for myself, and that I invested in it. I haven't felt this healthy in a long time. I am so pleased with my results. 

If anyone else is watching these testimonials, and these symptoms resonate with you, there is a way out. It's worth it, I promise. "

- Kate
"Before the program, the main symptoms that I was dealing with were intense bloating and acne. I dealt with this issues for close to 10 years, and never really knew what was really going on and had seen many different doctors and specialists. 

I tried food allergy testing, low FODMAP diets, dairy free and gluten free diets, prebiotics, probiotics, every type of fad diet or supplement and nothing really seemed to be working. 

I had this intense bloating that would seemingly come out of nowhere and it would prevent me from doing things in my life like going out to dinner or drinks, hanging out with friends or going on vacation. 

I started the program and little did I know it would change my life. 

The way that I feel about my body physically and mentally are completely shifted since when I started. The way that I feel in my body is absolutely 10/10, 100% a shift from when I started.

The bloating going way, the acne going away, the energy coming back, the brain fog going away, on top of feeling so in tune with your body. 

There are not enough good things that I can say about this program. It is one of the most life changing experiences that I've ever had. 

- Amanda


Introducing Marley Braun, MS, RDN, CD, CLT, LE 
Marley is a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and her philosophies are rooted in whole foods, culinary skills and mindful eating. Inspired by the functional medicine approach of identifying and addressing the root cause of disease, she is trained to become an Integrative and Functional Certified Practitioner (IFNCP) through the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA). 

As a Licensed Aesthetician, she is particularly interested in how gut health can have an impact on the skin. With advanced training in functional digestive health and diagnostic testing, she was able to remedy her own digestive symptoms and finally clear her skin once and for all - where conventional care had repeatedly failed. 

Marley is passionate about helping clients find their own radiance and well-being from the inside out. 
Introducing Eliza Evangelista, MS, RDN, LD
Eliza is a Registered Dietitian with an Integrative and Functional Nutrition background; having trained with institutions like The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy. After a debilitating knee injury that no medical provider could explain, Eliza started on a mission to understand her body in a more holistic way. This led to completing advanced training in functional diagnostic testing which helped her leave behind over a decade of IBS and severe food intolerances. 

She credits her success, and the success of dozens of clients, to harnessing this holistic approach to wellness that radiates from the inside out. As she likes to say: yes this is your health we're working on, but really, this is a portal to the rest of your life.


A GI MAP (GI Microbial Assay Plus) analyzes a stool sample to assess your microbiome for bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens as well as microbial balance and other intestinal health markers, such as low gut immune function, poor pancreatic elastase output, or intestinal permeability. This test is helpful for people struggling with:
- Autoimmune disorders
- Intestinal permeability
- Gut infections
- Brain fog, anxiety, depression
- Skin problems
- Diabetes/weight loss issues

It allows for an in-depth assessment of bacteria. The GI-MAP was designed to detect microbes that may be disturbing normal microbial balance or contributing to illness as well as indicators of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function.

To put it simply, the GI MAP Stool Analysis is different than any other test you've gotten. It's thorough, effective, and going to show you exactly whats disturbing your gut. 

3 Monthly Payments of $575
  • The Complete HGSB Program + All bonuses (Value: $5,675)
  • GI MAP Stool Testing (Value $500)
  • Analysis of Test Results (Value: $300)
  • 1:1 Session + Personalized Protocol w/ Team HAN Functional RD (Value: $300)
  • 1:1 60 min Follow up w/ Team HAN Functional RD (Value: $300)
  • 1:1 Email Support w/ Team HAN Functional RD between sessions (Value: $250)
  • Access to practitioner grade supplements w/ a 10% discount (Value: $100)
1 Payment of $1695
  • The Complete HGSB Program + All bonuses (Value: $5,675)
  • GI MAP Stool Testing (Value $500)
  • Analysis of Test Results (Value: $300)
  • 1:1 Session + Personalized Protocol w/ Team HAN Functional RD (Value: $300)
  • 1:1 60 min Follow up w/ Team HAN Functional RD (Value: $300)
  • 1:1 Email Support w/ Team HAN Functional RD between sessions (Value: $250)
  • Access to practitioner grade supplements w/ a 10% discount (Value: $100)
  • PIF BONUS: 2 Live Meditation + Breathwork Sessions w/ Hannah
What Students are Saying...

"Hannah has changed my life. When I came to Hannah, I had full body eczema, and I had been dealing with skin issues my whole life...

within two weeks of being on Hannah's program, my rash started to disappear..."

- Sarah

"I want to send a huge thank you to Hannah for completely fixing all of my gut issues thanks to her HGSB program. Before going through Hannah's program I was experiencing a lot of gastrointestinal pain, I went to a gastroenterologist who did a bunch of tests and couldn't find anything wrong and just told me to take IBS medication. 

I now don't have any flare ups anymore. I can eat basically whatever I want because I was able to support my body in healing itself. A lot of the information that I learned really blew my mind." 

- Meredith
"Before I started HGSB, my life was completely different, and honestly pretty miserable. I had been struggling with GI issues for 9 years. I had been to the best specialists at Mount Sinai. 

My life improved drastically during Healin' Guts + Shakin' Butts. I'm off 10 prescriptions. I have my energy back, and I can eat pretty much 
anything I want."

- Elizabeth

"I was suffering from horrible cramping, extreme bloating, gas, and stomach pain in general constantly, for about a year. I went to gastroenterologist, was tested for allergies, and everyone said everything was totally fine... 

By day 2 of my challenge, I was feeling fantastic. I was shocked... 

3, 4, 5 weeks later, I was a new person. My work life changed, my love life changed, really my gut health had an effect on my entire life..." 

- Kelsey
"Doing Hannah's Healin' Guts + Shakin Butts course is like taking a Beyonce pill. 
Sasha Fierce comes out." - Caroline

It totally changed my life for the better. 

It gave me the opportunity to take my power back + take control of my life. 

This is just not a another diet. It’s an education.”

- Jillian

“After doing Hannah’s program and really eliminating foods that were causing issues, I have never felt more amazing. 

I’m more happy with the body that I am in. 

Being my happiest and being the best I can be is fueling my body properly and I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without Hannah.” 

- Paige
"Up until this program, I brought my heating pad with my everywhere...

Extreme fatigue, terrible sugar cravings, stomach aches that were actually interrupting my daily routine...I always felt unwell. About a week into it, I started feeling the best I have felt...EVER.

This program has done a lot for me, and it continues to do a lot for me going forward. It drastically changed the way I look at food, the way I treat food, and my relationship with food..."

- Emily

“It opens your eyes to what is in your food and what makes you tick and what fuels you. 

The first thing I noticed from Hannah’s program was great sleep, sustaining hunger between meals, I slimmed down. 

I felt like I was doing something for me and me only. "

- Kimberly
"I am here to literally sing the praises on HAN's Healin' Guts + Shakin' Butts program which pretty much transformed my life.  And it will do the same for you if you let it.

The HAN Cookbook is a life line. The food is incredible.

My menstrual cramps reduced significantly, my stomach noises went away, my creativity increased, I quit my toxic job, I reconnected with my worth, and I lost 7 pounds. My body looks incredible! "

- Elise

"I was feeling very foggy, sluggish, and had really low energy levels, so I tried this program out. It was very straight forward, and incredibly supportive - I didn't feel any shame...

On the contrary, I felt very empowered to make the simple changes that would alter how I was feeling...

I couldn't recommend it highly enough..."

- Rachel
"It has been such an incredible, powerful, fun, amazing journey. And I'm someone that already eats really well...

I've tried all sorts of programs, but truly nothing has made me feel this good - this clear headed, free of anxiety, strong, empowered, and educated.

I've had some issues with my mental health in the past, and this program really made me feel anxiety free.

It changed my life."

- Caroline

All disease begins in the gut. - Hippocrates

I have an autoimmune disease and I was wondering if I would ever not be inflamed. Working with Hannah and the Healin’ Guts + Shakin’ Butts program has definitely changed that. This is definitely not a diet, but a way of life. It helped to better my understanding of food and the power that real, good food can play in healing the body.” 
- Julia 
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When is the official program start date?
The next round of Healin’ Guts + Shakin’ Butts kicks off in May! You'll get access to the HAN Cookbook immediately upon purchase. We'll kick off the program with a Welcome Week + Welcome Call. Then you'll gain access to Phase 1. From then on, for a total of 16 weeks, you will be fully supported in transforming your digestive health and getting your life back.

2. How many hours will I need to invest in this program every week?
How many hours have you spent struggling in digestive pain? It definitely wont be that long. On average, the modules range from 20 minutes - 45 minutes. Our live calls + coaching sessions will be around an hour long. Your 1:1 consults with your RD are also an hour long. They'll fly by!

Trust me, the time that you’ll GET BACK once you feel amazing will make this all more than worth it. 

3. What if I don’t have time for HGSB?
The reality is: there will never be a *perfect* time where your calendar is empty. You have to create the right time. We create time for things that are important to us. Make this one of them. Past students have ranged from busy nurses working 12-hour shifts, to stay-at-home moms, to students. Women from all different backgrounds and lifestyles have made this program work for them. If they can do it, you can do it!

4. How do I know HGSB will actually work for me? Because sometimes it feels like I’ve tried ALL THE THINGS and got none of the results…
We very often let limiting beliefs hold us back (What's the point, I'm broken, I'll never get any better, I know I won't follow through with this...etc.). Don't let the fear of failing stop you before you have even started. Isn't it funny how we do that? Convince ourselves that we shouldn't do it out of fear that we'll fail...before we have even tried. Now let me ask you a better question...

5. What if this program DOES work for you?
What if you get to enjoy life without pain, savoring a mouth-watering meal with your loved ones (because food should be celebrated not feared), socializing without worry, wearing what you want when you want, and developing a better relationship with yourself? We all have digestive systems that require the same mechanisms to function. Of course, as a whole, we have unique differences (and that's why the program teaches how to apply everything to your own circumstances), but all digestive systems need to properly break down food and have a balanced gut microbiome in order for us to feel healthy + happy (bloat-free, pain-free, energized, and aligned)! 

Remember, all health starts in the gut. So if you're a human with a digestive system - there's no reason you shouldn't benefit from this program.

6. When will I start feeling/seeing results? Because I need help NOW.
Everyone’s body is different. It depends on how long you’ve been dealing with your symptoms/condition, how committed you are to the program, and past programs you've tried (and where they've left you). Clients typically see big shifts start to happen around weeks 6-8, and things will continue to get better from there.

7. I think I'm interested in working with you more 1:1. Will this program still fit my needs?
I've designed HGSB to be the best combination of individualized support, group support, community, and connection. Inside of HGSB, you get my attention for 16 weeks. You can ask your questions in your community support group, and you get to ask your assigned Functional RD all of your protocol questions in your sessions and via email in between your sessions. So don't worry about not being able to ask questions or customize, we do that in here! 

8. How will I remain accountable in the program?
Some of you have said to me, "Hannah, I don't know if I can stay accountable." The whole point of this program is for you to feel like you're NOT going through this all alone. You've probably already done that, right? We have live coaching calls, Q+As, support emails, and 24/7 access to the private Facebook group - where you can ask all of your questions and connect with others going through the same process. I can assure you that we will get to know each other very well.

9. Can't I find this information for free online?
Potentially - but you could also find a lot of misguided information blending bits and pieces off the internet and waste even more $$ and time in the long-run. You also won't have any testing to identify what's going on in YOUR unique body. This is the biggest game changer. Please keep in mind, the program is the product of 8 years of study, and multiple client success stories. You won't be able to find anything else packaged in this way to lift away the headache and overwhelm while providing results.

10. Can my local practitioner teach me these things?
Potentially if they have a really good understanding of gut health and digestive issues - and even better if they've been through them themselves. However, as I'm sure you've already experienced, you've been through a handful of practitioners. This has cost you time and money. Most our our HGSB Students have spent years in discomfort and thousands of dollars before working with us. A comment we get often is: "I wish I found you sooner. I could have saved a lot of time and money."

11. Do I need to have specialty/functional testing done before taking these course?
No! Testing is great, but it's important to keep in mind labs don't tell us the whole story. You can spend thousands of dollars on lab tests and not see results. You need to get the *right* kind of testing, and know what to do with those results. Inside of Healin' Guts + Shakin' Butts, we send you a GI MAP Functional Stool Test to perform at home. This is, in my opinion, the best test on the market to identify what is causing your digestive issues. This test is a game changer for my clients. I know it will be for you too. 

Pretty much everyone with GI Issues is dealing with an imbalance in the gut microbiome, and this program teaches you how to tackle that with a system that works...and prevent imbalances from coming back. 

12. I've already tried probiotics, antimicrobials, HCL, and I eat a clean diet. Yet I still feel sh**. What more could you tell me that I don't already know?
Here's the deal: your digestive system is a system. There are multiple pieces to the puzzle. So although you may have done one or the other, you need a strategy. I can't tell you how many times people have come to me misguided about taking antimicrobials or having been put on "leaky gut protocols". You can eat the cleanest diet in the world, but if we're not breaking down and digesting your food well, it's just going to sit in the GI tract, fermenting and causing more bloating and IBS symptoms. In addition, throwing random antimicrobials at the problem isn't going to work if you don't know what you're even treating. In HGSB, we run testing to identify the what. Then we look at your healthy history to figure out the why, and couple it with our expertise for how to get you feeling better. 

13. What is your success rate with HGSB?
Everyone that puts in the effort + makes the most of this experience gets results! If you don't implement the teachings, then you'll stay right where you are. Your success is up to you! I believe in you.
Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.

It’s a harsh reality, but it’s true.

And just because you haven't gotten the results that you've wanted in the past, doesn't mean that this is your destiny. 

Your past does NOT dictate your future...unless you let it.

I’ll be here to guide you.

But you must show up for yourself first to see the effects.

Come witness what happens when you decide to take your health into your own hands + step into the best version of yourself. 

You can keep trying things your old way... but why? It’s costing you time, energy, money, and missed opportunities to ENJOY your life...and your food!

Have questions about Healin' Guts + Shakin' Butts? Send the HAN Team an email at support@hannahaylward.com with your questions and we'll get back to you ASAP. 

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